Awe…some Mondays…Music Moves Me



We have a red hibiscus in a large pot on our patio and some of you may have seen earlier photos of the blooms. Friday evening I noticed these volunteer mushrooms growing in the same pot so I snapped a couple of images with the intent of posting them for a Wordless Wednesday meme later this month.  Saturday morning I got up to take our cocker spaniel, Lucy, outside and I was reminded just what can happen in less than 24 hours. Here is what the mushrooms looked like then.




Have an Awe…some Monday and a blessed week.

Monday’s Music Moves Me

Theme for this week’s Monday’s Music Moves Me post is songs with hand claps or finger snaps. Since I am a few days older than dirt, I thought I would start this post with a blast from the past, “Finger Poppin’ Time”.

You may notice a very close resemblance to another tune from the era. The show is American Bandstand, the audience provides the hand clapping, and Chubby Checker introduces us to “The Twist”.

Digging even deeper into the archives, we find the incredible baritone voice of Tennessee Ernie Ford singing 16 Tons. The record sold over 20 million copies and I am sure that Ernie’s fingers were worn out before this song exited the top 40.

Well, as long as we’re lost in the 50’s, we might as well do a little finger snappin’, hand clappin’ and toe tappin’ to “Willie and the Hand Jive.”

Later Alligator!

30 thoughts on “Awe…some Mondays…Music Moves Me

  1. I used “Sixteen Tons,” too, and I’m leaving it because it is such an amazing song. Ernie had a remarkable voice. There’s a video out there with him and the Everly Brothers. I tell you, he could rock with the best of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Driller,

    You cracked me up with being a few days older than dirt. lol I seriously doubt that but your mewsic choices are furtastic. The oldies are often the most fun to listen to. I didn’t enter this old world until 1961 but these classics still got a lot of play when I was old enough to remember them. The fungus growing in your potted plants are interesting. Our neighbors across the road have some rather large mushrooms in their yard. I need to sneak over there to snap a few pictures before they mow them down. 🙂 Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a tunetastic week, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marvelous macro shots of the mushrooms in various stages and what fond memories the music elicits for me and I bet others ~ Thought it would last forever and it all went by in a ‘blink.’ ~ Thanks for the memories

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores


  4. Hi Driller!

    That was amazing how similar Chubby Checker sounds just like Hank Ballard and the Midnighters! I remember 16 Tons. It was one we listened to quite a bit when I was young.


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  5. Wow! Those mushroom photos are something to see. Amazing! Great post and good music too. I was watching Ferris Bueller’s day off and he was li[p stncing this song Twist and Shout. I love that song and 16 Tons. My dad loved Tenneesee Ernie Ford. Thanks for sharing. enjoy your week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And 24 hours after the second set of images, the mushrooms were dead and wilted. Just a reminder of how fleeting time can be. 16 tons seems to be a favorite of most people. That’s probably why it sold 20 million copies in the late 50’s.


  6. XmasDolly

    Well, hi there… I must say you dug around and found the old greats. Way ta go… still many more to visit & I’m runnin’ outta steam. Maybe longer next time… keep rockin’!!! Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Kim

    Fantastic selections….I think “Hand Jive” was the only one I knew, so I got to hear some completely new-to-me tunes over here this week 🙂 Have a great week!


    Liked by 1 person

  8. greyzoned/angelsbark

    Excellent song selections here Driller!
    I love Tennessee Ernie Ford and 16 Tons. Wow, I never gave that song a thought: it’s PERFECT for this theme! And such a great song.
    I LOVE watching Chubby Checker. That man can twist! I used to like doing that dance when I was young.
    Finger Poppin’ Time by Hank Ballard and the Midnighters are totally new to me. Good stuff there.
    I remember the Hand Jive song but I’m sure it was a cover. I don’t remember Johnny Otis…but I sure did enjoy that video!
    You knocked it out of the park with this one Driller. Thanks for playing along with my theme. I hope you enjoyed it.

    PS: Thanks for including the amazing pics of the mushrooms and just how incredible Mother Nature is. A masterpiece in just 24 hours. Very cool.

    Michele at Angels Bark



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